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Acne Scarring & Pitted Scarring

Acne scars or pitted scars can happen to anyone. Post-inflammatory trauma to the skin's surface and dermis from cystic acne and pimples can sometimes lead to over-production of collagen during the healing time after a breakout.

Sometimes, acne scars are referred to as ice-pick scars, boxcar or rolling. They are caused by damage to small veins, glands and tissues by popping, squeezing and touching too much.

How is Acne Scarring treated?

The skin's surface layer and dermis is treated with microneedling or radiofrequency microneedling. Recommended treatments for best results include combination therapy of microneedling, radiofrequency microneedling, hydradermabrasion, chemial peels and laser skin rejuvenation.

*Keloid scarring is unable to treated using the recommended treatments for acne scarring and requires medical advice from a doctor or dermatologist.

What can you do at home to help prevent Acne Scars?

You can protect your skin by using a SPF30 - SPF50 broad spectrum coverage sunscreen to help minimise the appearance of scar pigmentation. You can also reduce the chances of future scarring by limiting touching and squeezing of spots. If you enter a treatment programme, our experienced clinical practitioners can also recommend medical grade skincare to help achieve desired results. All products can be purchased in clinic or ordered directly with The Face by SK.

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