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Average Time
12 Week Programme
Pain Relief
None Required
Recommended Sessions
Results last (On Rec. Sessions)
Long Lasting
Minimal Discomfort and Sensitivity
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Improving skin health, texture and appearance good skin preparation at home and some of our in clinic treatment programmes require additional skin treatment at home.

What we offer:

Our facials can target pigmentation and help reduce the appearance uneven skin tones significantly. We stock prescription and medical grade skincare from Obagi to ZO Skin Health.

These combined treatments offer best and most effective results in helping your skin achieve maximum results, and your treatment regime is Nurse-Prescriber led who specialises in non-invasive treatments as well as being recognised Obagi Brand Ambasadors.

The Face by SK's commitment to you

Here at The Face by SK, we only use clinically tested, highly recognised and medical grade dermal filler brands that offer a long lasting, smooth and natural looking result to the skin and features.

We are continually committed to results and your free consultation will involve discussing your skin goals, including any areas of concern, before a treatment plan is recommended. Our goal is to ensure you are getting the most suitable and desirable results.

Before & after pictures
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